
Date Posted... May 16th 2024

Green Ribbons for Mental Health

Throughout this week, green ribbons have been worn on lapels in school to mark World Mental Health Week with teachers and support staff also wearing green on Thursday. The theme of this week is ‘Moving more for our mental health,’ with pupils being encouraged to increase their movement throughout the day. Rev Helen emphasised the importance of moving mindfully, while Mr. Sanderson led a fun activity where pupils voted with their hand and feet on what activities members of staff might enjoy outside of school.

The library staff, with the help of a silver D of E pupil Florence M,  have on display a special selection of books all about mental health and looking after one another.  A walk around the school on Wednesday afternoon revealed many pupils engaged in sporting activities and a reminder that movement doesn’t need to mean going to the gym, taking part in a team sport, or running a marathon. It can be as simple as stepping off a bus stop early, holding a walking meeting, going for a short lunchtime walk around the site, or even dancing in your kitchen whilst preparing dinner.

Special thanks to Mr. Murphy, Nurse Mel and Miss Haynes for leading this initiative and to all staff, pupils, and support staff who participated in raising awareness for mental health in our school. The ‘Talking is Brilliant Posters’ and QR codes located throughout the school serve as reminders of the many people and resources available to pupils whenever they need it.