
Date Posted... May 23rd 2024





Maths and Mark Making in Pre-Prep

As a part of their transport topic, our Nursery children have been looking at maps, including those of the Prep School and the City of Truro. They were then encouraged to start making marks on the maps, sketching out routes they wished to explore or noting places of interest.

Mark-making is an important part of the Early Years curriculum. While the children experiment with making marks, they are developing both fine and gross motor skills. As they improve their control and perfect different grips, they also begin to understand that their mark-making can be purposeful and creative. This empowers them to begin to experiment with letter formation and early writing.

Our Reception classes have been grappling with number bonds; an important part of understanding how numbers join together and break down into smaller parts.

Our children were using metal washers to see how 5 and 10 can be split into ones or groups of two or more. While the children had lots of fun, this understanding of number bonds will help our pupils grasp the concept of numbers, allowing them to move on to simple addition and subtraction in Year 1.