
Date Posted... Jun 18th 2024

Seasonaires Showcase

Truro School Cookery was abuzz with the sounds of clinking glasses and the enticing aroma of delicious food as graduates from the Truro School Cookery Seasonaires Course hosted a sit-down three-course meal for their parents and guests.

Students and staff warmly greeted their guests with a glass of sparkling wine and a delectable selection of canapes, including haddock goujons with aioli, sundried tomato and mozzarella suppli, and pea and mint crostini.

The guests then sat down to starters of ricotta and lemon tortellini with sage, followed by a main course of chicken saltimbocca with marinated courgette ribbons. The evening culminated with a toast to the chefs and a decadent tiramisu, served alongside coffee and petit fours.

Congratulations to all our students for their dedication, meticulous planning and washing up! This evening was a moment of immense pride as we reflected on the remarkable achievements of these talented young chefs throughout the year. As part of the Sixth Form Diploma, the Seasonaires Course is designed to equip students with the culinary expertise for seasonal work abroad and aims to cultivate a love of cooking.