
Date Posted... Jun 17th 2024

Year 4 Camp Out

Our Year 4 Pupils celebrated the end of a fantastic year at the annual camp out at Truro School Prep. With some brilliant new tents kindly donated by the Friends of Truro School (FTS), they were certainly camping in style!

The evening kicked off with some games, flag and lantern making and a delicious pizza supper before stories (and smores) around the campfire. The children also spent time making beautiful clay green men with Mrs Morse.  Even the rain (and a water fight) couldn’t dampen their spirits and the children showed great resilience and camaraderie as they settled down for a bedtime story with Mr Morse.

After a night in their tents, bacon baps welcomed our campers to a new day before they headed home, tired but contented.

We would like to thank all the staff involved in making this wonderful evening possible, with special thanks again to the FTS for the new kit.