
Date Posted... Jun 19th 2024

New Senior Prefect Team Announced

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our new senior prefect team, a group of outstanding individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and a strong commitment to our school community. The selection process was comprehensive, involving several stages to ensure the best candidates were chosen.

Students submitted written letters of application, showcasing their vision and dedication to the role. Each application was meticulously reviewed, with staff members providing detailed feedback and casting their votes. The Lower Sixth played a crucial role in the selection process by evaluating and voting on the list of applicants. Additionally, the outgoing Upper Sixth senior prefects cast their votes, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity of leadership. Before the final decision, the applications were carefully considered by the Head, Mr Williamson and Mrs Jupp.

Congratulations to our new senior prefects, pictured here with Truro School Head, Mr Andy Johnson. We look forward to seeing their positive impact on the school community and are excited about the initiatives and contributions they will bring to our school. We look forward to formally announcing our new Head Girl and Head Boy team at this year’s Speech Day.

Thanks also go to our outgoing team who have led with integrity, empathy, and enthusiasm. They have served as exceptional role models, guiding and inspiring their peers while upholding the school’s values and standards.

Congratulations to:

Madeleine B
Jason C
Ben D
Megan D
Nia E
Percy F
Ollie G
Alice H
Matthew J
Thea L
Oscar L
Finlay L
Pax M
Evie M
Gwen M
Cyrus N
Benjamin N
Elowyn P

Head of Malvern: Angie S
Deputy Heads of Malvern: Maddie B & Percy F
Head of Trennick: Cyrus N
Deputy Heads of Trennick: Samson H & Tom B