
Date Posted... Jun 27th 2024

5th Year Prom 2024

High-spirited and elegantly dressed in stunning gowns and sharp suits, our 5th Years celebrated the end of their GCSE exams with a dazzling prom at the Falmouth Hotel. The pupils arrived in style, eager to make lasting memories and enjoy their special evening.

The night began with a delicious dinner, followed by a fun award ceremony highlighting many special events and memorable moments from the year. A special thanks goes to the Design and Technology department for making the amazing trophies.

The Falmouth Hotel was the perfect setting for this celebration, providing a stunning environment. It was wonderful to see so many happy, relaxed faces, reflecting all the hard work this cohort has put in over the years. The prom was a well-deserved treat and a perfect way to celebrate all they have accomplished – we hope you all have a wonderful summer filled with happiness and relaxation!