
Date Posted... Jul 1st 2024



Sixth Form

Sixth Form Ball Marks Significant Milestone

The Harbour Hotel in St Ives hosted our Leavers’ Ball, welcoming our departing Upper Sixth and their families in style. The masked partygoers revelled in the Cornish charm of the event but the highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the sense of celebration and camaraderie, as students and their loved ones marked this significant milestone together.

With exams complete, our Upper Sixth are looking forward to their next steps; for many, this will be university, for others travel, apprenticeships and work placements beckon.

This cohort has been remarkable in their dedication to their academic studies and ability to look beyond themselves and reach out to our wider community, both here at Truro School and beyond. We do not doubt that they will all be hugely successful and we wish them a restful summer ahead of their exam results in August.