
Date Posted... Sep 4th 2024



A Big Welcome to Our New Starters

There has been a tremendous buzz around the School today as we warmly welcomed all our new starters, from our 1st Years right up to Sixth Formers. They have been taking part in induction activities to familiarise themselves with Truro School and meet their new peers and form tutors.

While parents enjoyed a morning coffee on the front lawn, pupils heard from our Head, Mr Johnson and learned about our school’s values and what it means to be a part of our community.

Our new 1st Year pupils participated in a variety of sessions, including map reading, orientation, team-building and a maths treasure hunt, to familiarise themselves with their brand new calculators.

During a visit to the school facilities, pupils also had a productive session in the SBA gym, learning about the excellent equipment available to them and necessary safety protocols. An informative session introduced the school’s IT platforms, email systems, and logins. One of the highlights of their experience was a project led by the school alumni team, where pupils wrote letters to their future selves. These letters will now be locked away in the school archive, ready to be reopened at the end of their school journey with us.

We greatly welcome all our new starters and look forward to them being part of our vibrant school community.