
Date Posted... Oct 18th 2024




The Truronian 2023/2024 – Out Now

We are excited to present to you the 2023-24 edition of the The Truronian.

Dear Old Truronians,

It is my great pleasure to send you the latest edition of The Truronian, full of features about school life, reports on our activities as an Association and, hopefully, some familiar faces from your Truro School days.

One of the highlights of last academic year for me was the Memories of the Truro School Workshop reunion organised in connection with Dennis Keam – the afternoon brought together OTs from a wide range of different year groups and walks of life who were united in their happy memories of life in the Truro School workshops. You can read more about this event on page 30. Watch this space as we hope to hold more events in the future which bring together Old Truronians with a shared interest. If you have an idea for an event or reunion, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We are also on the lookout for OTs who might be interested in joining the TSA committee. The committee meets once per term on average and meetings are now held both in person and over Teams, so not living in Cornwall is no longer a barrier to your involvement. If you would like to find out more about how you can shape the future of the TSA in this way, please do get in touch for an informal chat about what’s involved (01872 246010 or [email protected]).

As always, the committee and I are very grateful to the Development Office Team for putting together this edition and we hope that you enjoy reading it. Please do keep getting in touch with your news for future editions and I hope to see you at one of our events soon.

With very best wishes,

Rachel Vaughan CO98
TSA Chairperson