Dear Parents, Guardians & Carers,
A new term, a new year, and a little bit of snow – what a start! Add in a comprehensive programme of staff Inset, plenty of work over the holidays, New Year’s resolutions, 15 new children joining the school, three children attending taster days, a full programme of lessons and activities from day one and the unbridled excitement of seeing friends once again, and you have the recipe for a super start to the new term at Truro School Prep.
Whilst the overwhelming theme has been one of enjoyment and excitement, there has been plenty of hard work in the classroom and rightly so as the Year 6 children gear up for the Truro School entrance test (which takes place next Saturday morning at the Senior School), with continued focus upon building metacognitive skills and with a raft of exciting topics across the full breadth of subject areas.
During both Prep and Pre-Prep start of term assemblies, we revisited the importance of making good choices; in the classroom, throughout the creative and sporting curricula, during the extracurricular programme and, of course, with regard to our relationships with others.
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Making reference to last term’s reports, the progress made and the target set, we explored the notion that ‘Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.’ Equally, we identified that we will all, at some stage, make poor choices and the key is to learn from these experiences so that we can make better choices the next time around.
Friday’s Prep School assembly saw us welcome Lee Lovett of the Soho Lighting Company who gave a presentation on the ‘Shining a Light on Sustainability’ project that took place throughout the last academic year. After learning about the use of recycled and sustainable materials as part of a drive to create awareness and engage young people in sustainable responsibility, design and creativity, Lee presented one of the winners of the competition, Ellie from Truro School Prep, with her prize – a professionally made lamp of her own design.
Turning from pupils to parents, carers and guardians, I would like to remind you that the Parent section of the Truro School website contains a great deal of information. This includes the whole school calendar, parent handbooks, policies, inspection reports and details on staff, governors, transport, medical and catering arrangements.
Full contact details for the School and Chair of Governors are also listed at
Finally, having spent most of this week looking at the weather forecast for problems, I am delighted to inform you that the weather looks to be set fair for the weekend. I hope that you and your children manage to catch some sunshine in the days ahead.
With every good wish,
Rob Morse
Head of Prep
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Drop off and pick up; one-way routes
A reminder for the start of the new term that there is a one-way system in place for morning and afternoon/evening drop-off and pick-ups at Truro School Prep.
Parents and carers are kindly asked to enter the school through the main entrance that is located on the A390. A reminder, too, that there is no right turn into the school from the A390 heading towards Treliske. Drivers need to proceed to the Treliske roundabout, travel back on the A390 and turn left into the school drive.
Following on from drop-off or pick-up, parents and carers are asked to please proceed through the school and exit via the Treliske Lane exit (past the sports hall, overflow car park and through the golf course). Access through this exit at this time is for residents and external hire use only.
If you have any questions on navigating the drop-off and pick-up system, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Form Teacher or pop into the School Office.
Reporting your child’s absence
A reminder to please contact the school by 9.30am to let us know if your child is absent due to any reason. We kindly ask that you do this for each subsequent day of absence unless otherwise agreed with the school.
You can call the office on 01872 272616 or email [email protected]. Thank you.
Useful Information
The ‘Parents’ section ( of the Truro School website contains lots of useful information, including the whole school calendar, parent handbooks, term dates, policies and uniform.
The ‘Contact Us’ page ( contains contact emails and numbers for both sites, campus maps and contact information for the Governors and Finance Teams.