At Truro School we are committed to offering both bursaries and scholarships.
We are pleased here to outline the difference between these two types of award and our approach to them.
Truro School Bursaries are for pupils who will thrive at the School, but whose family circumstances mean the school fees are otherwise unaffordable. A bursary is a means-tested reduction in fees. Awards can range from 5% up to 100% of fees depending on assessed need. Any family may apply for potential financial assistance by submitting a means-tested bursary application. Bursary applications are reviewed on a case by case basis and outcomes of those reviews will establish whether bursary support is warranted and if so, at what level.
We offer our means-tested bursaries both as a means of financial assistance to support widening access to a Truro School education, and also as a means of supporting continuity of education to current Truro School pupils from families whose personal circumstances change unexpectedly for the worse. For more information, please visit our bursaries page here.
The standard entry points for bursary applications are at 11+, 13+ and 16+, however, applications to other senior school age groups may be considered.
Truro School scholarships are awarded to pupils who show exceptional ability or potential in their approach to academic studies or in their commitment to co-curricular activities.
With the exception of Girl Chorister Scholarships, Boy Chorister Scholarships, Fencing Scholarships and Sixth Form Diploma Scholarships, scholarships for pupils entering the School in Years 7-11 (1st-5th Year) will be awarded in the form of further enhanced educational opportunities for the scholars themselves, and not as reductions in fees. We take this approach because we believe the direct beneficiary of a scholarship should be the pupil.
For more information about our approach to scholarships, please click here. For information about each scholarship, please click on the links at the bottom of the page.