
Date Posted... Feb 10th 2020



Senior Girls’ Boarding Blog

And that is that…the last weekend of the half term is over and I find myself writing the final blog for three of our lovely Malvern girls who we will say goodbye to on Friday.

The week’s highlights include Steph, Codi and Marie dining out with their form group at Pieros, a local Italian restaurant, Megan beginning work on the house canvas and Steph doing a fantastic job (according to Mr Copeland and a very impressed Facilities Manager) representing Malvern at the Boarders’ Food Committee Meeting.

With Storm Ciara forecast to strike, the girls and I were expecting an indoor type of weekend. The usual Friday ritual kick started proceedings with the girls enjoying a buffet style super in the dining hall before prep. After a good hour with their heads in the books the girls split into one of two groups: some headed up to the SBA for badminton whilst others opted for less fast paced evening in house catching up with friends and generally chilling out! Oreo cupcakes were on the menu for Jess and Leanne who made good use of the oven, and my piping tools, in the Malvern kitchen.

On Saturday morning we certainly experienced the calm before the storm, with beautiful blue skies and sunny spells! The girls certainly made the most of it with trips to town and/or Tesco for most of them.

Having asked Theresa, Pia and Svenja how they wanted to spend their last Saturday evening, I cleared the Tesco aisles of all ice cream! With an ice-cream sundae themed social the girls enjoyed getting creative with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marshmallows, wafers, frozen mango and sauces in every flavour possible. Jess’s sundae was judged most creative but nevertheless much ice cream was consumed and the girls enjoyed spending time with each other.

On Sunday, and with few early morning commitments, most of the girls enjoyed a lie in and a slow start to the day. A leisurely brunch was enjoyed and then we headed back to the house, dodging the rain drops and the wind picking up around us. That said, there were some signs that Spring is not too far away; I just hope the little daffodils withstand the storm!

This week Mrs Howe, House Tutor in Pentreve House, organised a silk screen printing workshop at Truro Arts Café, just a stone’s throw away in the city, for the girls’ weekend activity. The girls, whilst sipping on hot chocolates, Americanos, and iced coffees went about designing and making a cushion. It was a great three hours spent together; the girls chatted and laughed and everyone came away with a finished product! The shop did well out of us all too; so many gift type items!

This evening, whilst feeling very fortunate to be inside (rain is lashing down and the wind is picking up in speed as I write), the girls have been completing the necessary prep, laundry and room sorting. We have had a house meeting, the girls have changed their beds and a quietness has descended on the house with many opting for an early night.

The week ahead will be a difficult one for Pia, Theresa and Svenja as they prepare to say goodbye to each other, their housemates and their wider friendship groups both in the boarding community and at the school. The girls have been a pleasure to have in Malvern and I know that I speak for the rest of the girls, and Malvern House staff, when I say we will really miss them… Theresa’s beautiful piano playing which has often made my office paper work more enjoyable, Pia’s ever positive attitude (but maybe not her smelly trainers outside her bedroom door) and Svenja’s love for all things chocolate spread related will be really missed! I wish the girls the very best of luck as they return to their studies in Germany and Austria.

I hope the rest of the girls have a lovely half term break too and as ever I want to thank Mrs Wood, Mrs Thurlow and Miss Wright for their unwavering help and support so far this term; the girls and I are really very lucky and I hope you all have a lovely week off; it is well deserved!
For now, and until next half term, goodnight from Malvern!

Mrs Sarah Mulready (Housemistress, Girls Boarding)