Date Posted... Apr 24th 2020
“When you stop and think about what has been achieved in just over a month it’s nothing short of amazing. We had a couple of weeks to prepare for the remote learning world and I commented in a letter to parents, on the 20 March, that we were about to negotiate a very steep learning curve and that working from home was going to flag up some things that we hadn’t thought of, and that we would learn what works well and what works less well, and so it has proved.
“Is being stuck at home as good as being at school? No. Has everything worked perfectly? No. Does this remote learning approach work equally well for all pupils? No. Have together we made remarkable progress. Very definitely, yes. It’s fair to say that our teachers, who are a talented and generous bunch at the best of times, have really risen to this challenge, as have you.”
Truro School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST)
MIST Registered Office: 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH
Charity No. 1142794
Company No. 7649422