
Date Posted... Sep 28th 2020

Junior and Senior Boys’ Boarding Blog

We have had a great weekend in Trennick – the sun has shone and we have been able to make the best of the fine weather. On Saturday evening the Trennick BBQ was lit and the 1st to 5th Year boys thoroughly enjoyed a late evening floodlit burger. Henry brought his speaker outside and the boys seemed to enjoy dancing to some Jamaican reggae music. The ping-pong table got some good usage too when all the boys enjoyed playing a version of round the world.

On Sunday we travelled to the Bissoe valley bike trail, which follows an old disused railway line from inland the tin mines to the coastal ports. Mr Thomson cycled with the younger boys and struggled to keep up with some of them! Mr Copeland guided the Sixth Form boys, and he definitely struggled to keep up! Pietro and Henry had rather frustrating mechanical challenges but they both rose to the challenge and stayed positive and happy. Cam seemed very confident and keen on a mountain bike, and was disappointed when Mr Copeland did not allow him to follow another cyclist off a large downhill jump!