
Date Posted... Oct 2nd 2020

Best of… School Buildings

In the latest School House Magazine, Alex Bloom-Davis rolls out the blueprints of some staggering new developments, including Truro School Cookery. He writes:

MICHELIN STAR – Truro School, Cornwall

Rick Stein would be proud of Truro School Cookery, which within 18 months of opening was one of four finalists at this year’s Food Reader Awards for the Best Cookery School, and the only finalist in Cornwall. A professional team guide pupils through all aspects of cooking through clubs, classes in ‘cooking from scratch’, ‘cakes and bakes’ and ‘street food’. Sixth formers can even take the Leith’s Certificate in Food & Wine. Truro School Cookery is also available for the community to hire or to join courses as the cookery school is a ‘unique blend of academic and commercial use,’ says Maria Taylor, head of cookery. ‘The money from the commercial operation helps fund the academic side of the cookery school,’ says Ms Taylor. ‘It’s a match made in the kitchen.’