
Date Posted... Feb 4th 2021

Spring term PE

Mrs Luxton gives a round-up of Prep PE and Games this term:

Nursery and Reception

Nursery and Reception have been learning fundamental skills; from active treasure hunts, movement skills in athletics, rolling and throwing a ball and changing direction with a ball, to using their bodies to make different movements, shapes and balances in gymnastics.

Year 1 and Year 2

Year 1 and Year 2 have been practising their travels, rolling and balancing actions in gymnastics and learning to link these together to create sequences. They have also been learning to move with the ball in games activities, including changing direction, sending and stopping the ball and scoring goals.

Year 3 and Year 4

Year 3 and Year 4 have been developing their agility, balance and co-ordination in their PE lessons (racket skills). The LTA have produced some exciting tennis video clips, which are getting some great feedback from Year 3 and Year 4.

If you are interested to know more, then click the following link, which will take you to the tennis activities at LTA Youth Tennis Home Hub: LTA Youth Home Tennis Training For Kids | LTA

Year 5 and Year 6

Year 5 have been using the Key Steps gymnastics resources in their PE lessons; like these body management and floor exercise cards, which are helping them to develop greater control, body tension and strength in their movements. As you can see from the photo gallery, they are making excellent progress with the quality of their movements and their creative sequence work.

Year 6 have also been developing their movement and racket skills in tennis in their PE lessons. They have really enjoyed the LTA resources, such as the ‘Double ball throw’ below, which has turned into a firm favourite this half-term.

If you click the following link, it will take you to these LTA tennis activities:

Stay active at home with lockdown tennis drills | LTA

Year 3 – 6 games

Each week, we are featuring a team game of the week, featuring sports such as netball, hockey, football and rugby. This has been working really well, as these invasion games all share common movement skills and transferable ball skills.

In addition, there is a LIVE ‘Chance to Shine’ cricket skills session each week, which all the children are able to join.

Last week, our school had a ‘shout-out’ in the national LIVE programme, which features a different skill each week; such as fielding skills, batting skills and bowling skills. This week, there was the added excitement of a guest appearance from a superstar cricketer.

If you click the following link it will take you to the previous sessions, as well as the next LIVE session next Wednesday 3rd February, which runs from 2pm-2.45pm: