
Date Posted... May 24th 2021

Girls’ Boarding Blog

This week has passed in a blur of revision and assessments for all. For our 5th Years and Upper Sixth, Phase 3 Assessments have continued. In the meantime, Lower Sixth have found themselves knee deep in consolidation and revision for their upcoming ‘end of year’ exams too. Malvern has been very studious, both throughout the day and of an evening.

That said, it hasn’t been all work and no play and I have been impressed with the balance the girls have found. On Tuesday evening it was great to see an array of in-house activities taking place after prep. In amongst the chess and card games and Kristina’s nail art work, I enjoyed the chance to interview the recently appointed house prefects for next year’s Head of House role too; Amy, AJ and Katie were all very impressive and the decision to appoint is not going to be an easy one.

The weekend was greeted with open arms once again this week as the girls looked forward to the chance to enjoy a lie in and a less fast paced couple of days. On Friday evening the usual ritual of afterschool clubs, supper and then prep ensued. Amy and Lisa headed into town for a Hub Box birthday meal with a day pupil friend and for the rest of us a quiet evening in saw out the busy week. Jess spent a good couple of hours baking (birthday cakes x2!) and Hattie headed up to the fitness suite. The house was very quiet when I did the rounds at bedtime, testament to the tiredness levels, and the busy week that had just closed.

On Saturday morning the girls woke to the sun shining and a fresh new day. Determined to make the most of it, we headed up the hill to brunch before loading the minibus for Gwithian beach and our long awaited, twice cancelled surfing trip. Gwithian is a beach just outside of Hayle, well known for it’s perfect surfing conditions and overlooks the seaside town of St Ives. It was a truly stunning day with picture perfect views.

Once suited and booted for the second week in a row, the girls will be feeling at home in a wetsuit by the time the summer arrives, the girls participated in a health and safety briefing before hitting the waves with Theo and Jethro, their two very enthusiastic instructors. The conditions were perfect and the sun shone. Two hours later the girls re-emerged exhausted but exhilarated.

Having showered we were then back up the hill for supper before preparations, birthday style, kicked in. With Amy turning 17 on Wednesday and Kristina 18 on Friday there was much to celebrate. The Malvern Garden was the chosen venue and the Trennick seniors the girls’ invitees. Pizza was ordered and an incredible cake created by Jess, a two-tiered, red velvet and coffee cake, was almost deemed too good to eat. What a creation and what a skill to have; well done Jess.

The evening was spent eating and playing games. Much fun was had by all and I am sure Amy and Kristina will remember their boarding birthdays in years to come.

On Sunday the girls enjoyed a free day. Much of this was spent working and studying hard and avoiding the torrential downpours that we were plagued with all day. How different to Saturday. After a delicious supper of CFC (Cath’s Fried Chicken) and her mouth-watering fries we headed back down to Malvern to a quiet evening of preparation for what will be the last week of assessments for our Upper Sixth and 5th Years. A milestone that is not lost on any of us and for Upper Sixth signifies the end of 13 years of education and life as they know it.

As the half term draws in and we reflect on a more normal few weeks, it is with optimism for further whole boarding community trips and events, that I wish the girls and their families a happy half term holiday when it arrives on Friday.

Before this though, it goes without saying that I wish Jess, Charlotte, Phoebe, Evie and Uliana the best of luck with their final few assessments this week. The whole house, staff included, are behind you girls and we hope that the papers go well and that you come away feeling you have shown the examiners just what you know!

To my staff team, Mrs Wood, Mrs Thurlow and Mrs Wright, thank you, as ever for your unwavering support.

Mrs Sarah Mulready (Housemistress, Girls Boarding)