
Boy Chorister Scholarships

Performing music as part of Truro Cathedral Choir, directed by specialist professional musicians in one of the South West’s finest buildings.

Truro Cathedral Choir consists of 18 boy choristers, 18 girl choristers and 12 adult professional singers.

The boy choristers (aged 8 to 13) and girl choristers (aged 13 to 18) are distinct groups with their own musical and social identities; they occasionally sing together for some of the biggest services and concerts.

All of the singers are auditioned and prioritise in their lives the choir’s busy schedule of commitments, which includes services, broadcasts, CD recordings and foreign tours.

Truro Cathedral has had a choir in the traditional form of boys and men since it first opened its doors in 1887. In September 2015, the Cathedral Choir welcomed the addition of girl choristers, marking a significant moment in the Cathedral’s musical history. At this time, the Cathedral partnered with Truro School, ensuring both girl and boy choristers could benefit from a through-school educational journey.

All boy choristers attend Truro School Prep where they receive 25% scholarships. These scholarships are towards the school fees and can be supplemented by means-tested bursaries if required.

What are the benefits of performing as a Boy Chorister in Truro Cathedral’s Choir?
  • Performing music by great composers with an outstanding choir directed by specialist professional musicians in one of the South West’s finest buildings.
  • Taking part in live broadcasts for television and radio, CD recordings and foreign tours.
  • Receiving scholarships and possibly bursaries towards fees at Truro School Prep.
  • Developing leadership skills in a supportive environment with a great deal of individual attention.
  • Working as part of a close team with a special purpose and a strong sense of identity.
What is the time commitment of Truro Cathedral’s Boys’ Choir?

The boys rehearse every weekday morning from around 8am. There is a two-week pattern for singing services at Truro Cathedral, as follows:

Week A: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 4.40pm rehearsal for 5.30pm service, (finished by 6.10pm). Additional 5-6pm Tuesday rehearsal possible. Sunday services at 10am and 4pm, with rehearsals from 8.50am and 3.15pm respectively.

Week B: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 4.40pm rehearsal for 5.30pm service; no Sunday duties.

In addition to these core duties, Truro Cathedral Choir sings services at Christmas and Easter as well as concerts at churches in Cornwall. Occasionally there is a foreign tour during the Easter or Summer holiday. A full schedule is published well in advance.

How does the selection process work?

The official chorister auditions take place annually at Truro Prep School. Experienced staff from the cathedral and school assess each application carefully to decide whether a chorister place is right for the child and for the choir.

Boys can sing a short piece of music (for example, a verse from ‘Away in a Manger’) if they wish. They will be assessed on their voice, reading skills, ear and general aptitude (for example, concentration and commitment).

Boys must pass the school’s independent assessment which will be given at the same time as the Cathedral chorister auditions. At this very young age, it is musical potential rather than ability that is being tested.

What scholarships and bursaries are available for boys?

Boy singers in the cathedral choir are educated at Truro School Prep where they receive a 25% scholarship which can be supplemented with a means-tested bursary with the aim that the selection is based purely on ability.

Bursaries will aim to make the school fees affordable for applicants of any financial background, but parents will be expected to make some sacrifices. Bursaries are reviewed annually and will be adjusted if parental circumstances change. Truro Cathedral’s Director of Music will be pleased to discuss this aspect of a chorister application at any stage.

How can I find out more or apply?

We invite anyone interested in learning more to join us for a relaxed ‘Chorister Experience Day & Cushion Concert’ (details below) or contact Truro Cathedral’s Director of Music via email Auditions are held annually for boys in Year 3. Boys normally enter the choir at the start of Year 4 though occasionally there are spaces in other years. Boys from any school can apply, though if successful, they would have to move to Truro School Prep.

Truro Cathedral’s Director of Music, James Anderson-Besant, will be happy to meet and listen to a boy at any time of year to give informal advice. Please email to find out more.

Chorister Experience Day & Cushion Concert

January 2026

Truro Cathedral is delighted to extend an invitation to their ‘Chorister Experience Day & Cushion Concert’ event to all boys in Year 2, 3 or 4 who like singing, and especially those who may be interested in applying for a chorister scholarship, starting at the beginning of Year 4. The Chorister Experience Day takes place in January, 2026 dates will be confirmed shortly.

For more information and to book a place, please email

Contact us to find out more...

Simone Weston

Head of Admissions at Truro School Prep

Tel: 01872 243120


James Anderson-Besant

Director of Music, Truro Cathedral

Tel: 01872 276782


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