Date Posted... Jun 24th 2022
100 years since Smith won the first House Competition.
Summer 2022 marks 100 years since Smith won the first House Competition. The houses School, Smith, Vinter and Wickett were introduced in the Autumn of 1921 and as the year progressed members of each house gained points towards a final total.
The new headmaster Mr Magson said that he had remodelled the house system ‘and in each house they were trying to develop sport by making every boy who was physically capable, proficient at games. In each house there were three teams in football and two in cricket. Other games which counted for the shield were chess and draughts…’ and after the popularity of the school Cadet Corps during the 1914-1918 War he hoped ‘to add shooting to the list if a suitable place was available.’
A record of the House matches that year can be found in the school magazines.
House Football Competition 1921-22
House Cricket Competition Summer 1922
The Chronicles of Smith House
‘Surely it was sufficient to strike fire from us when we learnt that Smith House had become the Champions after having taken a high place in most of the activities of the College. On the strength of this success a photo was taken of the whole House, a copy of which was presented to the College, and may now be seen, still intact, in a prominent position in the Sixth Form classroom.’
Truro College Magazine, July 1922
Unfortunately, this photo is now lost, but the Archive does have a photo from the following year, when Smith House again won the competition and were presented with the Opie Shield which had just been given to the School by the relatives of Mrs Opie, the former school matron. Their previous year’s win was also added to the Shield.
Smith House 1922-23
The first three winners of the Opie Shield
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