Date Posted... Aug 17th 2022
The result was the Truro College Old Boys Association (obviously long before co-education at the School was introduced); later known in other guises as the Truro School Old Boys Association, the Truro School Former Pupils Association or the Truro School Association.
In the school archive is a handwritten list of everyone present at that occasion; a total of 34. The following year it rose to 100.
The next school magazine reported the outcome of the inaugural meeting on 2 August.
‘We are happy to find that a union has at last been formed. The committee report as follows in a letter issued to the Old Boys:
Dear Sir,
You will be interested to hear that the above association was established in a tentative way on August 2nd. Meetings were held after the Old Boys’ Match on August 1st, and after the Prize Distribution on the 2nd. At the latter meeting the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
1st. That the time is ripe for the formation of an Association of the Old Boys of Truro College for the purpose.
2nd. That the ‘Old Boys’ here assembled, and whose signatures are appended,
agree to the formation of the Association, and promise to do their utmost to extend its influence and to contribute to its success, proceeding forthwith to draw up a temporary code of rules and to elect officers for the ensuing year.
The signatures appended are as follows:
Herbert W. Vinter, President; John A. Jennings, Vice-President; Thomas Jennings, Treasurer; Wallace Smith and T. Graham Martyn, Joint Secs.; H.F. Hawken, B.R. Firth, Fred. P. Argall, S. Barlow, J.I. Higgins, Hugh Rice, H.S. Hawkey, H. Vivian, W.E. Mitchell, J.J. Mitchell, C. Farleigh Rice, V. Seymour Bryant, Bernard Lake, Ralph H. Hendra, F. Harold Burrows, Willie Higgins, A.E. Tillman, G.H. Hunter, H. Wilkinson, Herbert L. Beer, J.F. Parkes, W.H. Noell Gill, Cecil L. Holman, Edgar Wood, W. Stanley Rowe, A.R. Rice, E.J. Henwood, Ernest Coleman, Gordan H. Brenton.
It was decided
Officers for the year were chosen as shewn in brackets below, and these together constitute the organizing committee.
In accordance with a further resolution of the meeting we are engaged in compiling as complete a register as possible of the names, present addresses, occupations, positions, &c, of all the Old Boys of the College.
A copy of the register will be forwarded to each member of the Association at as early a date as possible, and subsequently supplementary lists will be issued together with changes of address, corrections, &c.
It is most desirable that every Old Boy should become a member, and we shall be pleased to enrol you on receipt of full name, address, and 1/- subscription to August 1st, 1896.
We shall be glad if you will facilitate the formation of the register by giving us some further particulars about yourself and about all other Old Boys with whom you may have come in contact. It will be a great convenience if you will arrange all information of this kind on the form attached*
We would draw your attention to the fact that a College Magazine (2/- per annum), has been in circulation for 4 years, and it is proposed to insert in its pages any items of general interest concerning Old Boys, subject to the discretion of the Editor and the Organizing Committee.
An early reply, addressed to either of the Secretaries, will greatly oblige.
Yours faithfully,
HERBERT W. VINTER, M.A. (President)
JOHN A. JENNINGS, (Vice-President)
Hillside, Truro
4, The Avenue, Truro
Joint Hon. Secs.
*We are requested by the Secretaries to remind Old Boys that many took forms to be filled in after the Football Match, but have not returned them. This causes unnecessary trouble and expense to the Secretaries. Will they kindly attend to it? [ED.]’
From the Truro College Magazine, December 1895
The Association met regularly, hosting events several times a year, often at Whitsun and Christmas in the early days. The first annual dinner was held in February 1905.