Date Posted... Feb 19th 2020
Taylor Dedman – Bursary Award Recipient
TS 2007 – 2014
Mum and I were first made aware of the opportunity for a bursary at Truro School by my primary school teachers. They believed I had the potential and ability to apply to the School but warned there were very limited bursary places available, however they encouraged us to begin the process.
After the form filling, being put through my paces in the entrance exam and a rather nerve-racking interview with Headmaster, Paul Smith (TS 2001-2012), I was awarded a bursary. Being the only person from my primary school in the year group was certainly a little daunting at first, but the welcoming and friendly atmosphere quickly allowed me to feel at home.
Alongside the usual formal curriculum Truro School offers a multitude of extra-curricular opportunities and pastoral care, which helped me to develop self-confidence and social skills. Truro School provided very high levels of support throughout my time there. I particularly enjoyed Physics and Chemistry and the teaching staff in those departments certainly helped me to grow and offered really useful guidance towards my academic passions, something for which I will always be grateful.
Truro School life can be demanding, but I feel that better prepared me for my time at university and unlike many other schools, support is available long after you leave which is always good to know.
When I left, after seven very happy years, I had not only made lifelong friends, but gained an excellent start to my education enabling me to progress through university and begin my career journey. I now work as a business analyst for one of the UK’s fastest growing tech companies.
Receiving a Truro School bursary was an amazing opportunity. It definitely shaped me as an individual, gave me a platform for life and opened my eyes to new possibilities. I am just starting out on my career, but I have already begun to support the work of the Foundation so that others will benefit as I have.