Date Posted... Dec 16th 2019
What a jam packed penultimate week we’ve had in Trennick House. Our 5th Years have endured a week of mock exams that I’m sure they are happy are over. Truro City enjoys a Wednesday late night shopping in the lead up to Christmas, many of our boys enjoy meeting up with friends for some hot chocolates, festive fun and buying parents and siblings Christmas presents instead of doing our usual prep in the library.
We have had three birthdays this week, Matija, Trevor and Alex all celebrated their birthdays with their boarding brothers. The celebrations continued on Friday night when we went ice skating at the Eden Project. We also had the pleasure of listening to Mr Thomson (Poltisco Boarding master) who is performing at Eden in the Christmas period.
Alex Azamatov had a very important Saturday, waking at 6am he jumped onto the bus and set off to Exeter to partake in the Mock United Nations event. He represented Israel in a UN style debate, he found it a long day but very insightful, fantastic opportunity and in his words “great for the UCAS application.”
Dan Mitchell has been beating all who challenged him at chess in Trennick, and we hope to have him crowned champion in our inter-boarding house chess competition final this week sometime.
With the UK set to vote in a general election on Thursday we decided to have an in-house election, some of our boarders volunteered to represent the different parties. Will – Conservative, Lorenzo & Ondrej – Labour, Cam McCready – Scottish National Party, Finely – Green party, Alex Azamatov – Liberal Demorcrats, and Obum & Trevor – Brexit party. They researched their manifestos and wrote a small speech that was presented to the rest of the boarding community after supper on Tuesday. Some interesting points were made and the vote will take place on Thursday.
However, the highlight of the week was our annual Church Service, Christmas Dinner and party. Rev gave a wonderful service in the Chapel.
Some of our boys had helped decorate the room and tables during the day – thanks Trevor, and Simon. The food was fantastic and Anthony Wong, our Head of House, made a lovely heart felt speech. A few prizes were given out for cleanest room – Alex Azamatov, best trip to A&E – Hector, drama queen – Obum, the always happy – Matija. The night culminated with a Christmas sing-song, then DJ Obum got the party started and everyone headed to the dance floor.
Tom Hatfield, Resident Boarding Master