Date Posted... Nov 18th 2019
The week has been busy for the Malvern girls; with Monday’s remembrance service, Tuesday’s Sixth Form Winter Warmer and Friday’s Art trip and St Mawes concert. Thursday saw an early alarm call for Pia who headed off to Clifton College in Bristol to represent the school in the U18, playing two years up, Regional Hockey Finals. Coach Miss Manley says she was superb and the team did brilliantly to win two games, draw two games and lose two games.
The weekend began in its usual way on Friday with supper, an hour of prep and then some SBA action. Some of the girls strayed further a field and headed out for a Pizza Express dinner but all were back and ready for good night sleep by 10pm roll call.
Amy was up early on Saturday with a Ten Tors training expedition planned whilst others went to the gym or enjoyed a lie in.
On Saturday afternoon,with half the girls having opted for the Mexican menu last weekend, it was the turn of those that chose Spanish! Twenty of us from Malvern, Pentreve and Trennick headed up to the Cookery School for a fun filled afternoon with Mrs Taylor and her, conveniently Spanish, assistant Manuel! With stuffed breads, chickpea, chorizo and spinach salad, potato and onion tortilla, chicken and chorizo paella and lemon drizzle cake all on the menu we were in for a treat….but there was some serious cooking to do first!
First up was a knife safety lesson, where Mrs Taylor reminded the boarders how to slice, dice and finely chop vegetables; tips and tricks regarding onion chopping whilst avoiding the tears, and then recipes were dished out. With each bay in charge of a different component the kitchen was a hive of activity and it was great to see the boarders from both houses mixing and helping each other out.
Before long, with dishes complete and the cafe transformed in to a Spanish restaurant the cooks, having worked up quite an appetite, sat down to taste the fruits of their labour! It smelt delicious…it tasted pretty good too!
Feeling full we headed back to the house where the girls had a free evening. Some of those not involved in this weekend’s cooking visited the cinema whilst others visited Trennick and played some cards…Uno and Wolf!
The alarm was off early, by request, once again with Codi making the most of the swimming pool and Tulip and Aim going to the gym for a workout before bunch. For the rest of the house lie ins were enjoyed and the house was eerily quiet until roll call. After brunch some of the girls wandered in to town (where some couldn’t resist getting into the Christmas spirit) whilst Codi and Helena headed off to Codi’s Godparents for a spot of (more) cooking. Homework assignments were tackled, laundry and bedrooms sorted and generally the girls had a quiet and less fast paced day.
After a smoky mountain chicken supper the girls have congregated for an evening social where an array of cheese, crackers, grapes and olives have been enjoyed. Some are still going whilst others have retreated back to their rooms for early nights and preparations for the week ahead.
Next weekend Mrs Wood and Miss Birkett have organised an Escape Room experience for all senior boarders; this is a boarding first and I cannot wait to hear what the girls think, and of course whether they managed to escape…roll call next Monday could be very quiet if they don’t!
Mrs Mulready (Housemistress, Girls’ Boarding)