
21.03.25 Senior Bulletin

Dear Parents, Guardians & Carers,

It has been another busy and inspiring week at Truro School. Visiting lessons and co-curricular activities, I have been struck by the remarkable sense of community, responsibility, and teamwork that defines our school. Our pupils continue to embrace opportunities, demonstrating commitment and collaboration across all aspects of school life.

This was particularly evident in the outstanding performances delivered by our GCSE and A-Level Drama students this week. Their dedication and talent captivated audiences both on stage and behind the scenes, showcasing the power of courage, creativity, and teamwork. Their commitment to excellence and ability to work together serves as an inspiration to younger students and the wider school community.

Beyond the stage, our pupils have made fantastic contributions across our co-curricular programme, excelling in music, sport, and enrichment activities. A flurry of sports fixtures, including netball, hockey, football, and rugby, highlighted their confidence, enthusiasm, perseverance, and sense of team responsibility, amplifying the importance of working together towards shared goals.

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It’s not just our pupils who demonstrate a passion for growth and learning. This week, teaching staff from different subjects came together for our Teaching and Learning Book Club, led by Miss Husband, where they discussed research to enhance their teaching practice. Later in the week, Middle Leaders took part in our Middle Leaders Development Programme, led by James Butterworth, Head of Maths and CPL Lead, focusing on sharing best practice and strengthening leadership competencies. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures our teachers can best support pupils in achieving their very best.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate the 2nd Year Shakespeare performances next week, where our younger pupils will have the opportunity to showcase their creativity and teamwork on stage. We also look forward to Charity Week, a key moment in the school calendar when pupils come together to raise funds and awareness for meaningful causes. This term, we are proud to support The Invictus Trust and The Alzheimer’s Society.

At Truro School, we are immensely proud of all that our pupils and staff achieve, and we sincerely appreciate your continued support in working with us to nurture and guide our young people.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Miss Emma Mitchell

Interim Deputy Head (Pastoral)

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WAA Reminder

Friendly Reminder: If you haven’t already, please complete your WAA Forms by 9am on Monday, 24 March.

The Forms are to be completed by parents, guardians, and carers, of 1st – 4th Year and Lower Sixth pupils. The link to complete the Form is on the email sent on Friday 14 March at 4pm. Thank you!

CAT Charity Day - Next Friday

Community Action Team (CAT) Charity Day – Friday, 28 March

Our next CAT Charity Day is coming up on Friday, 28 March. Pupils are invited to wear home clothes in exchange for a charitable donation to one of the two charities chosen by CAT this term: Invictus Trust and Alzheimer’s Society.

Next week, the CAT will be leading Chapel Assemblies to share more about these important causes.

Donations will be added to the school bill. If you prefer not to take part, please email

Thank you for your support!

Rosslyn Park 7s – Watch Live!

We’re excited to have two rugby teams competing in the National Rosslyn Park 7s this weekend. Our Sixth Formers and 3rd Years will have their matches live-streamed on YouTube, so you can tune in and support them.

Monday, 24 March – U18 vs. Waterloo (Belgium) | Pitch RE1 | 12:20 KO

Tuesday, 25 March – U14 vs. Pangbourne School | Pitch RE1 | 2:00 KO


Easter Concert – Date Change

Please note that the Easter Concert has been rescheduled.

It will now take place on Thursday, 3 April, instead of Monday, 1 April.

Thank you for updating your calendars, we look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any questions, please email


Strong attendance at school is important for pupil wellbeing, attainment and wider life chances. We recognise the impact of lost learning time due to absence from school and the challenges and pressures young people face in catching up on work missed due to absence from school.

At Truro School we consistently aim for 100% attendance and support children and their families to work towards this. In incidences where there are concerns about attendance, our tutors and Heads of Year will work closely with you and your child to help remove barriers to attendance. Our attendance policy can be found on our Policy page.

Parents On-Site During the School Day

A polite reminder that parents should not be on-site during the school day (8.45am – 3.50pm) unless under the following circumstances:

You have a scheduled appointment with a member of staff.

You are spectating at a school sports fixture. In this case, you must sign in and out at the SBA Sports Centre Reception.

You are visiting the Truro School Café during its opening hours (8.00am – 10.30am and 3.00pm – 4.15pm). If visiting the Café, you must sign in and out using the tablet in the Café. Parents and visitors should not be in the Café outside of these hours.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Safety Reminder - School Drop-Offs

We were made aware of a dangerous situation at Trafalgar Roundabout, caused by the way a pupil was dropped off for school. This not only put the pupil at risk but also forced other road users to take sudden action to avoid an accident.

Please ensure that your child is dropped off and collected in a safe location that does not pose a risk to them or others.

Your support in keeping everyone safe is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation.

FTS Garden Tour of Truro School

The FTS are pleased to host a tour of the Truro School gardens with Head Gardener, Tom.

Meet in Reception at 9am on Friday 4 April, refreshments afterwards. Spaces are limited and on a first come basis.

Please sign up using this QR code or via

Spring Term's Clubs and Activities

The list of Spring Term clubs and activities is available to view here.

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