
31.01.2025 Prep Bulletin

Dear Parents & Carers,

Monday morning’s Prep School assembly started with a very short quiz and I pose the same questions to you here:

1.      Which band sang the song: You get what you give?

2.      In which animated film did it feature (hints, Big Z, Cody Maverick, penguins surfing)?

The answer to the first question is The New Radicals from way back in 1998. And the film is Surf’s Up (it is definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it before).

You may wonder why an assembly would feature such trivia and the answer is, of course, that the theme for the assembly and the week (and the Pre-Prep assembly on Wednesday) was ‘you get what you give’.

This requires almost no explanation but it was helpful to link it back to the Golden Rule and the premise that you should do unto others as you would have done unto you.

During our assembly, we spent some time exploring how ‘you get what you give’ rings true in so many aspects of life. For instance, when interacting with others:

·         smiles lead to smiles

·         kindness leads to kindness

·         calmness to calmness

·         generosity leads to generosity

·         happiness leads to happiness

But we also identified that it works the other way around in that rudeness leads to rudeness, and anger leads to anger.

We then took the opportunity to explore occasions when the input and output are less instant or not so obviously related and we found a perfect example in our classroom in that hard work and application leads to success. But, of course, this is also true in terms of music practice, when working on a picture in the art department, learning lines for a play, or when working to develop individual and team skills on the sports pitches.

We all agreed that if we work hard and apply ourselves, we are more likely to achieve our goals in both the short and long term. However, we were honest enough to admit that we can and do forget this at times. We overlook the fact that what we do in the classroom on a lesson by lesson and day by day basis will have an enormous effect on our learning and performance; here at Truro School Prep, at Senior School, university and beyond. On the same topic, the way we interact with and treat other people undoubtedly has an influence on the sort of person we become in later life.

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To conclude, I borrowed the story of The Boatman and the Travellers which I share with you here:

One day, the boatman was carrying a passenger across to the other side of the river where they were going to move into a new village. ‘What were the people like in your old village’ asked of the boatman?
‘Oh, they were horrible’, said the traveller. ‘They were mean and unpleasant and spread gossip all the time’.
‘What do you think the people will be like in the new town’ asked the traveller?
‘Oh’ said the boatman ‘I think you might find that they’re exactly the same as the people you have just left’.

One day later in the year, the boatman picked up another passenger who looked very sad and he asked why?
The passenger said that they were leaving their village to move to a new village across the river and that behind him they had left a wonderful community full of people who were kind, considerate, helpful – people who were happy and who smiled throughout the days.
‘What do you think the people will be like in the new village’ asked the traveller?
‘I shouldn’t worry’ said the boatman, ‘I think you’ll find that where you’re going the people will be just as kind, considerate and helpful as in the town you just left’.

‘You get what you give’ will remain a theme throughout this term and academic year.

Looking outside of the Assembly Hall, the early part of the week saw us dealing with nothing but torrential rain and gales (thanks as ever to our fabulous grounds team for working overtime as a result). I am so sorry that the conditions put paid to our cross-country plans this week and we will do our utmost to rearrange these events for later in the term.

We have, however, been extremely busy in terms of welcoming prospective parents and visiting pupils to the school and it gives me great pleasure to pass on some feedback on their time with us. Without exception, our visitors commented on the confidence, openness and kindness that the Truro School Prep children displayed. I must admit that I was extremely proud to see them interacting so assuredly both in and out of the classroom. As we are all aware, such self-confidence does not appear overnight but as a result of lots of hard work and practice at home and at school. I hope that you and your families will be equally proud.

Finally, I take this opportunity to congratulate the Year 6 children on their performance at the Senior School entrance test early in January. Feedback from the Senior School has been extremely positive in terms of their engagement, academic performance and interaction with others. They have most certainly reaped the rewards of their efforts and should be proud of all that they have achieved.

I wish you all a lovely weekend with your excellent children.

With every good wish,


Rob Morse

Head of Prep

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Spring Term Music Activities and Events

This term we have several musical events for our pupils to engage with, perform in and enjoy.

Our weekly music groups will continue during the following times:

13.30-14.00 Choir for Years 4-6 with Ms Renshaw
15.30-16.15 Orchestra with Mr McQuarrie
13.00-13.30 Brass group with Mr Pope
13.00- 13.30 Years 5 & 6 Samba and 13.30- 14.00 Samba for Years 3 & 4 with Mr Weeks
13.25 ‘FridayOke’ for any pupils who wish to sing (this is weather dependent as it is held outside)

Upcoming Musical Performances

This term, we will host two instrumental and singing recitals for pupils who have regular lessons both in and out of school. Parents and families are invited to come along to support and listen. The recital dates are as follows:

Monday 10th February in the Music Room
Monday 31st March in the Music Room (both starting at 4pm for approximately 30 mins).

The children’s instrumental music teachers will recommend pupils for each performance, and we hope to organise further recitals during the summer term.

Truro Prep Choir (Years 4-6) Truro Cathedral Songfest

The choir, consisting of pupils from Years 4-6, will perform at the ASONE Music Hub’s annual Schools’ Songfest on Thursday, March 20th, in Truro Cathedral.

They will sing during the first half of the concert, which starts at 7pm and our ‘slot’ in the concert is
expected to finish around 7:50 pm.

There will be a rehearsal in the cathedral earlier in the afternoon. The first half of Songfest showcases higher-level vocal and choral performances, followed by mass choirs from primary schools in the second half.

Truro Prep Choir (Years 4-6) joint concert with The Abbey Girls Choir, Reading

Our choir, made up of pupils from Years 4-6, will perform again at the end of the Spring Term.

They have been invited to sing in a joint concert with The Abbey School Girls Choir from Reading, who will be touring Cornwall.

The concert will take place on Thursday, 3rd April, in St Elwyn’s Church, Hayle, in the early evening.

Both schools will share the concert and perform a final piece together.

More details about this event will follow as we are still in the early stages of planning.

Year 3 Hall for Cornwall

This term, all Year 3 pupils will perform in Truro School’s annual concert held in the Hall for Cornwall on Tuesday, March 4th, starting at 7pm.

The Year 3 children are learning a selection of Cornish songs and are making excellent progress each week (with fairly challenging Cornish text).

Please look out for tickets which will go on sale at HFC Box Office (tickets cannot be purchased from school).
*Parents of children in Year 3, please add this date to your diaries!

Christmas Jumper Amnesty

A reminder that if you have any unwanted Christmas jumpers that have been or will be outgrown by next December, the FTS is collecting them to store until the next festive season.

Please bring donations into the Prep Office or Cookery School Cafe at the Senior School for your FTS reps to collect.


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