
Music and Drama

Jun 23rd 2021

Junior Gala Concert
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

May 28th 2021

PIPP Music Concert
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

May 27th 2021

Scouting filming locations for whole school film
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

May 19th 2021

BBC Radio 3 Premiere
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Apr 21st 2021

Filming ‘The Yielding’
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Mar 29th 2021

Sing2G7 Launches
  • Choristers
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sustainability

Mar 25th 2021

Charity Concerts 2021
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Jan 28th 2021

Ollie Jones Music
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Jan 12th 2021

Inter-Year Concert Adjudication
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Dec 14th 2020

Christmas Concert 2020
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Dec 8th 2020

Christmas Concert 2020
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Dec 3rd 2020

Nine Lessons and Carols
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 17th 2020

Ruthless “Done to perfection”
  • Art & DT
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Sixth Form

Oct 20th 2020

Championing the Arts
  • Art & DT
  • Choristers
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Nursery
  • Prep
  • Prep Music & Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Oct 20th 2020

Inter Year Group Music Competition
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Jul 3rd 2020

There is no Rose
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Virtual Learning

Jun 28th 2020

Taking to the stage
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Virtual Learning

May 4th 2020

The Lockdown Project
  • Art & DT
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Mar 6th 2020

Talented Chorister on BBC Radio
  • Choristers
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Sixth Form

Mar 6th 2020

The Senior Music Charity Concert 2020
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School