
Senior School

May 7th 2021

Amari talks cybersecurity, quantum computers and the FBI
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  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Senior School

May 6th 2021

Geography students investigate local high street
  • Humanities & Social Science
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  • Sixth Form

May 6th 2021

Senior pupil overcomes disease to compete in matches
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  • Senior School
  • Sports

May 4th 2021

Girls’ Boarding Blog
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  • Senior School

May 4th 2021

Girls’ Boarding Blog
  • Boarding
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  • Senior School

May 3rd 2021

Choristers launch ‘Gee Seven’
  • Choristers
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  • Senior School
  • Sustainability

May 1st 2021

Boys’ Boarding Blog
  • Latest
  • Senior School

Apr 29th 2021

Explosive Volcanoes
  • Humanities & Social Science
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  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Senior School

Apr 29th 2021

Finding fish at Pendennis Point
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  • Senior School

Apr 27th 2021

Recreating the solar system
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  • Prep
  • Science, Maths & IT

Apr 27th 2021

Senior Girls’ Boarding Blog
  • Boarding
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  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Apr 27th 2021

Girls’ Boarding Blog
  • Boarding
  • Latest
  • Senior School

Apr 26th 2021

Boys’ Boarding Blog
  • Boarding
  • Latest
  • Senior School

Apr 23rd 2021

In memory of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
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  • Outdoor Pursuits
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Apr 22nd 2021

Summer Sailing
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  • Senior School
  • Sports

Apr 22nd 2021

Summer co-curricular programme begins
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  • Senior School

Apr 21st 2021

Filming ‘The Yielding’
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  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School

Apr 12th 2021

Truro School Governor
  • Alumni
  • Friends of Truro School (FTS)
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  • Prep
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Mar 31st 2021

Steps: Student Magazine Launches
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  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Mar 30th 2021

Rowing the length of the Thames for charity
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  • Senior School