
Sixth Form

1st Year Biology Models

Dec 6th 2022

Creative Cell Models
  • Latest
  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Dec 2nd 2022

Burrell Society Lecture with Patrick Foster
  • Latest
  • Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Diploma

Nov 30th 2022

I Dreamed a Dream…
  • Community
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
Les Mis Orchestra

Nov 29th 2022

Outstanding Orchestral Performance
  • Community
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 25th 2022

Standing Ovations for Les Misérables
  • Community
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 25th 2022

Boxes of Compassion for Charity Day
  • Charity
  • Community
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 23rd 2022

Sedimentary, my dear…
  • Latest
  • Sixth Form

Nov 18th 2022

Poetry and Psychoanalysis
  • English & Languages
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 18th 2022

Les Misérables tickets on sale
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 16th 2022

By Pup-ular Request… Presenting Alfie
  • Boarding
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  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Nov 11th 2022

Becoming a Barrister with Oliver Carlyon CO99
  • Alumni
  • Careers
  • Latest
  • Truro School Connected

Nov 11th 2022

Lexie crowned U23 British Champion
  • Fencing
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sports

Nov 9th 2022

News of Chaplaincy Appointment for Sept 2023
  • Alumni
  • Community
  • Latest
  • Nursery
  • Prep
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Oct 24th 2022

Re-thinking Research at Psychology Conference
  • Community
  • Humanities & Social Science
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Oct 21st 2022

Computer Science Careers with Byran Wills-Heath CO97
  • Alumni
  • Careers
  • Latest
  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Truro School Connected

Oct 21st 2022

Aberystwyth Bay- Upper Sixth Devised Performance
  • Latest
  • Music and Drama
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Oct 18th 2022

Sixth Formers Take on Top House Quiz
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Oct 14th 2022

John Williams CO95 Talks Engineering
  • Alumni
  • Careers
  • Latest
  • Sixth Form
  • Truro School Connected

Oct 14th 2022

Repurpose Exhibition Launches at the Heseltine Gallery
  • Art & DT
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sustainability

Oct 13th 2022

De-Coding Computer Science
  • Boarding
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Latest
  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form