Date Posted... Nov 9th 2022
Truro School is delighted to announce that Revd Helen Byrne will take up the post of School Chaplain in September 2023.
Helen is an Ordained Methodist Minister and Hospital Chaplain. Much of her work has focused on the wellbeing of children and young people, which equips her perfectly for this role.
Helen’s warmth, energy, and creativity mean that she will offer strong continuity and build on the legacy of the current Chaplain, Revd Aubin de Gruchy. Aubin departs in Summer 2023 after 20 years of dedicated and compassionate service to the School and local Circuit. He will continue to work with the Methodist Independent Schools Trust as its Pastoral Visitor.
Helen’s experience and understanding of wellbeing will also enable her to be a support and listening ear to staff, and her experience of mission and outreach will promote ever more engagement within the wider community and Methodist Circuit. Helen has a grounded, welcoming, and inclusive faith. She embraces opportunities to treat everybody as an individual and as an equal, respecting all beliefs, celebrating what we share in common, and encouraging us to continue building upon the Methodist foundation of our school. Helen is also a passionate singer, lover of music, the performing arts, and of the great outdoors.
Helen and her husband Dave have a deep-rooted love for Cornwall, where Helen’s father was a Methodist minister when she was a child. They are excited to be moving here from Cheshire, along with Helen’s university-aged daughters Rebekah and Hannah, and the family’s adored pet dogs. Helen says, “I feel honoured to have been chosen to be the next Truro School Chaplain. When I visited, I found the school welcoming, warm, encouraging and inspiring. I look forward to joining the team and being a pastoral and spiritual support to the Truro School family.”
Truro School Head, Mr Andy Johnson, said, “The role of Chaplain is pivotal and we are excited by the prospect of Helen joining our School. Helen will play a key role in maintaining and promoting the School’s progressive and welcoming ethos and culture, grounded in our Methodist values. She will be an experienced and compassionate pastoral presence, building on an immensely strong legacy. I am delighted by this appointment, look forward to welcoming Helen, and take this opportunity to thank and commend Aubin for his very many years of utterly resolute support, care, and love for our community too.”
Following ratification of the appointment at the next Methodist Conference, Helen will take up her post in September 2023. She will enjoy support from the wider group of Methodist school chaplains as well as the local Methodist Circuit, of which she will become a valued part.