
Date Posted... Dec 13th 2023





A Glistening Christingle

Rev Helen led a beautiful Christingle service for the children at Pre-Prep. Helped by six Sixth Formers, Rev Helen explained the significance of the Christingle Service in telling the Christmas story to children worldwide.

In between songs and stories, the children learned the significance of each part of the Christingle orange in the Christian Faith.

The orange, which represents the world, traditionally has a red ribbon tied around it. The red represents that Jesus was of human flesh and, when the ribbon is wrapped around the orange in a circle, it signifies his divinity and constant guidance.

The four cocktail sticks represent the four corners of the Earth and the four seasons, while the fruits and raisins used to decorate the orange represent the sweetness of Christ and act as a reminder that Christian followers can find him in the communion bread and wine.

The children each received an orange and carefully constructed their own Christingles. Each then finished their creations with a ‘candle’ to symbolise the light of Jesus.

It was a magical service and a very special and memorable way to explore the Christmas story. The Prep children will receive their Christingles in a second assembly.

A huge thanks must go to Rev Helen and to the brilliant Sixth Form helpers who made the service so enjoyable.