
Date Posted... Jun 14th 2022

A Warm Welcome to Our New 1st Years

Staff and pupils were excited to welcome our new intake of 1st Years for September 2022 at our Taster Days this Monday and Tuesday.

The days are designed to give our new recruits a flavour of life at Truro School and are a great opportunity for parents and carers to meet up and chat with each other and with staff from the School, including our Head, Andy Johnson and Head of 1st Year, Mrs Thurlow.

After a welcome at Chapel, our new pupils experience three different classes including Physics, Maths, Art, DT and Geology. They are also given a tour of the School and a library induction before heading to lunch.

All of our new 1st Years are given a second induction day before the official start of school in September. These days are structured to provide valuable pastoral support and a friendly welcoming start to life at Truro School.

With thanks to all of the staff and pupils who supported these days and a warm welcome to our new pupils and their families. We look forward to seeing you all again in September.