
Date Posted... May 22nd 2024

A Week of Celebrations

It was a time for celebration in Chapel as pupils and staff gathered to mark the Christian festival of Pentecost (2oth May). Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples and marks the birth of the world church – the beginning of the Christian church’s mission out to the world. Christians are encouraged to discover how the fruits of the Holy Spirit (eg love, patience, kindness, gentleness) can be seen in our lives when we strive to follow the example of Christ.

This week is also a time for celebration in the Buddhist Faith and we welcomed Sophie Muir to Chapel. Sophie is the Buddhist Representative to the Cornwall Faith Forum. Sophie talked to pupils about Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak, which marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha.

As she explained the importance of Vesak (celebrated on 23rd May), Sophie shared her prayer flags with our community; they are usually made in five colours to represent the elements sky (blue), fire (red), water (green), earth (yellow) and air (white).

She kindly left some prayer flags for us to display in school. During break and lunch, pupils and students were invited to create their own prayer flags, featuring symbols of fruits of the spirit.

As we celebrate these faith festivals together, we are all encouraged to seek ways to show love, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, peace and self-control in our lives.

We would like to thank Rev Helen and Sophie for this lovely celebration of faiths within our School community.