Date Posted... Jun 22nd 2023
It is our absolute pleasure to present our new senior prefect team for 2023-24. Prefects are ambassadors and leaders for the whole school, and applying to be a prefect is no easy task, with the process seeking to find the very best role models for our school.
Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Lucy Jupp, commented, “This group of students have been selected as our Senior leaders of the School. They will enact changes which will help the School to evolve and will represent not only their peers but the younger years too. We are excited about what each of them will bring to the team and look forward to working with over their tenure.”
Our congratulations go to:
Tara S
Florence M
Lexie C
Lowenna W
Lara O
Aimee B
Olivia V
Macarena A
Tom S
Oliver T
Lucas de G-H
Theo W
Sam S
Ben A
Head of Malvern: Leora K
Deputy Head of Malvern: Asia T
Head of Trennick: Sam H
Deputy Head of Trennick: Seb S