
Date Posted... Feb 9th 2024



Appreciating our Apprentices

As National Apprenticeship Week takes place this week, we want to salute our apprentices who work so hard in the Truro School community.

Keiley has been working at Truro School Prep since September 2023. She is currently undertaking her Apprentice Level 3 Specialist Customer Service Course, which she will complete in early 2025.

When asked about what she has learnt so far during her placement, her answer was “A monumental amount of skills! From time management to multitasking, I’ve also learned so much about staffing and the different departments and processes involved in running a school.”

And what about her favourite part of working at Truro School? “Definitely the social aspect with all of the amazing staff and children.”

Alex is also undertaking an apprenticeship as a Digital Support Technician at Truro School in the IT Department. He joined the school in February 2023 and hopes to stay with us after his course finishes in October.

Alex tell us, “I have enjoyed learning about the intricacies of the school’s computer network and troubleshooting the day to day problems that occur. My favourite thing about working here is being able to learn new skills and put them into practical use with the support of a friendly and experienced team.”

Truro School will be looking for an apprentice to join the Marketing Team at the Senior School in September 2024. Anyone who might be interested can drop an initial email to