Date Posted... Feb 12th 2021
This term, each Year 6 class has recorded an audio play. 6AG, 6DG and 6LJ have each been working on the BBC schools’ play ‘Archie Dobson’s War’. This fits with their World War One studies in humanities earlier in the year. With the limitations and challenges faced during lockdown, the digital script leant itself to an online reading. Although intended to be staged properly, the script works equally well with voices only and all children were able to be involved.
The children have worked very hard on this script. There were many challenges and hiccups along the way, (mostly of a technical nature – some of which can still be detected in the recordings!), but with lots of editing and the addition of music and sound effects, each class can be very proud of the final products, which will serve as a memento of their lockdown drama learning.