
Date Posted... Jun 18th 2024



Sixth Form

Biologists Explore Penhale Sand Dunes

On a bright and breezy day, our Lower Sixth biologists embarked on an insightful field trip to the Penhale Sand Dunes, where they investigated changes in abiotic factors and their effects on plant species and the process of ecological succession. This hands-on experience was part of their curriculum, specifically focusing on Required Practical 12.

The Penhale Sand Dunes, renowned for their unique ecosystem, provided an ideal outdoor laboratory for the students. The biologists conducted a series of investigations crucial in understanding how environmental factors influence plant life and contribute to the process of succession.

This field trip offers our students an invaluable opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting. Observing and measuring abiotic factors and understanding their impact on succession firsthand enriches their learning experience significantly.