
Date Posted... May 23rd 2024




Bringing Careers to Life at Prep

Years 5 and 6 were treated to an informative and inspiring careers talk on Friday, courtesy of Mr Denning-Renshaw. The pupils were shown how a childhood passion could evolve into a rewarding profession as they journeyed through Mr Denning-Renshaw’s background from a childhood spent in his father’s Manchester motorbike parts factory to designing software for Formula 1 motorcars.

The presentation ended with a thrilling demonstration of a Caterham kit car, constructed by Mr Denning-Renshaw and his son, Charlie.

The talk showed our pupils the joy of working hard but enjoying what you do. They could also see a clear example of a career path from childhood to university and on into the wider world. We are sure this inspiring session has ignited a passion for engineering in several of our Prep pupils.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Mr Denning-Renshaw for sharing his time, expertise and knowledge with our older pupils. Thanks also to Mr Dove for coordinating this inspiring session.