
Date Posted... Jun 20th 2024




Ceramic Creatures Crafted

Our Year 3 pupils have been treated to a ceramics workshop with local artist Lucy Joines. Lucy moved to Cornwall to study ceramics at Falmouth and now takes inspiration for her art from the wildlife and landscapes of Cornwall.

Our pupils have been learning how to create an ark of ceramic creatures, ranging from inquisitive foxes and rabbits to elephants and an elegant giraffe. They studied photographs of animals to inspire them and carefully crafted their clay creatures.

Once formed, each animal was meticulously painted and finished with the all-important eyes and ears to bring them to life.

Lucy will finish the animals in her studio, allowing them plenty of time to dry before they are fired and glazed. They will return to form a beautiful ark of animals to remind us to care for our wildlife and our natural surroundings.

We would like to thank Lucy for her time and experience; it was certainly a memorable and enjoyable learning experience.