
Date Posted... Sep 11th 2024

Chats about Urban Planning

Sixth Form geography students were in for a treat yesterday when former pupil, Ashley Faulds (CO23) popped in to talk to students about his degree course in Urban Studies and Planning at Sheffield University.

Ashley, a dedicated geography student during his time at Truro School, was warmly welcomed back by Mrs. Wormald to engage in A-Level lessons and talk to students about potential study and career paths post A-Level.  He also studied English Literature, and Chemistry at A-Level and explained this four-year course offered him a practical foundation and an academic focus on urbanism, spatial change, and planning concepts.

He initially thought about a career in architecture before realising urban planning was more suited to his interests in human geography and the elements of law, economics and design work really inspire him.

Ashley’s visit provided valuable insights into his academic journey and as an informative session for Sixth Formers contemplating similar career pathways.