
Date Posted... Dec 3rd 2019




Children’s Author Ali Sparkes visits

Renowned children’s author, Ali Sparkes, paid a visit to the Prep School last Friday to give a workshop, or rather ‘Ali Sparkes’ X Factor fun filled thing’ as it ‘wasn’t work, nor a shop’!

Years 5 and 6 had separate classes and after determining what made them pick up a book, the cover, the blurb, and the first page, the young bookworms were challenged in small groups to create their own title, blurb and opening paragraph. They then read their plots out to everyone, and the favourite all came down to a class vote…

Story ideas ranged from scary zombie apocalypses, disappearing moons, orphaned children, and even a cereal killer (in the form of Kelloggs Cornflakes). The children’s imaginations knew no bounds and their wit and creations kept their peers giggling and gasping.