
Date Posted... Oct 21st 2022

Computer Science Careers with Byran Wills-Heath CO97

Byran visited the School on the Friday before this half-term to deliver a guidance talk on a career in computer software. Byran attended Truro School from 1986-1997, and studied A Levels in Maths, Physics and Business Studies, before being accepted to the University of Exeter for Computer Science. After Exeter, Byran returned to Cornwall for an internship with a local software company, and then worked self-employed for 3 years. He then found employment with another local software company, Bluefruit, which is where he has worked for 16 years. Byran explained that he initially started as a Developer, then Team Lead and is now Head of Development.

Bluefruit are embedded specialists providing embedded software development for innovative clients in quality-critical spaces. With a team of over 80, including software engineers, testers, UX and quality specialists. They believe excellent embedded software happens through investing in people and processes and a dedication to quality. Bluefruit work closely with clients operating in safety-critical spaces to meet their organisation’s needs across firmware to high-level technical consulting.

Byran was able to offer current students’ valuable advice about the various pathways leading to work, such as grad jobs like testers and junior coders and talked about his experience with employing computer scientists and what the job market was like in the sector. Grad jobs often start at around the £24,000-30,000 band, to which Mrs Kenward, Head of Careers, explained how positive that was for a starting salary, especially in Cornwall.

When interviewing for jobs Byran advised that he tended to look for skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork, rather than what kind of degree the candidate had (although a computer science degree is a bonus).

Byran’s final advice to students still at school and thinking about a career in the sector:

1. Showcase your demo projects

2. Attend networking events

3. Gain an online presence

It was fantastic to welcome Byran back to the School.

If you are an Old Truronian and can offer career advice to our current students, please contact Amanda (Development and Alumni Relations) at or phone 01872 246010.