
Date Posted... Jun 20th 2024

Geology Students Visit Wheal Jane Group

On Thursday, 13 June, the Lower Sixth Geology students visited Wheal Jane Group as part of their A-Level course. The trip was organised by Bryony Halliday, a former Truro School Geology student now working for Wheal Jane Consultancy. Bryony discussed her typical workday, which includes geotechnical investigations, environmental services, and mine searches. She also covered the remediation methods implemented since the Wheal Jane Mining Disaster in 1991. Many students were surprised to learn that after the mine closed and underground pumping ceased, acidic, metal-laden mine water polluted the Carnon River and Fal Estuary.

In the second part of the visit, the students toured the Wheal Jane Laboratory, which provides analytical services for the mining industry. Chemistry students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge of both Geology and Chemistry as they learned about the analysis of samples for mining, mineral processing, and environmental purposes.

Finally, the students visited the water treatment system, which is crucial in preventing mine water pollution in the Fal Estuary. They observed the large water tanks that treat 5.6 million cubic meters of water—equivalent to filling 2,240 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Miss Hope, Head of Geology, remarked, “Visiting local geology companies gives students first-hand experience and insight into the various career paths in geology, turning classroom learning into real-world opportunities.”