
Date Posted... Sep 19th 2024





Going Bananas for Harvest

Assemblies took a turn for the bananas at Truro School Prep and Pre-Prep today as our pupils gathered to celebrate Harvest. Led by Rev Banana (aka our Chaplain, Rev Helen), the Prep assembly opened with a call to worship from Jenson and Ezra. They encouraged our pupils to celebrate Harvest as a time to be grateful, to thank those who work hard and to remember those who don’t have enough to eat.

The assemblies were themed around ‘Going Bananas for Harvest’; an initiative led by the Fair Trade Association to encourage people to consider whether those who work so hard to grow our food and raw materials are paid a fair wage.

With 5 billion bananas eaten in the UK each year, Rev Helen used this fruit to show how profits can be unfairly distributed between other points in the distribution chain, with farmers often being paid the tiniest share of the profit. ‘Appeeling’ for change, Rev Helen encouraged children to look for Fairtrade stickers on our food items to ensure farmers worldwide are paid a guaranteed minimum wage.

After some rousing Harvest hymns, the assemblies finished with a closing prayer, encouraging our pupils to be thankful for our blessings and to show kindness in supporting those who don’t have enough to eat.

Thanks to Rev Helen and to our pupils and families who have been bringing in donations for the Truro Foodbank across the week as a part of the Harvest celebrations.