
Date Posted... Jun 11th 2024

Investment Wins Inspired by Walker Crips

Following an inspiring presentation to our pupils last year, Walker Crips Investment Management has just announced the winners of their Investment Selection Competition.

Walker Crips, an investment management firm with offices in London, York, and Truro, presented to pupils during one of our Friday Lunchtime Truro School Connected careers talks. 5th Years and Sixth Formers gained valuable insights into the work of investment firms and were challenged to create their own phantom investment portfolio, where they researched, invested strategically and tracked their investments over two months.

The victorious team, Wealth Wizards Rory S and Oscar A, achieved an impressive 9.43% increase in their portfolio over the two months leading up to February 2024, earning them a prize of £100. The runners-up were Ben D. and Oscar L. Mrs Kenward expressed appreciation for the informative nature of these career talks, highlighting the value of gaining insights into complex industries through presentations like the one delivered by Mr Kinneird.

This week, Mr Copeland and Mrs Kenward presented the prize to the winning team.