
Date Posted... Jul 12th 2024

John Muir Award

Our Year 5 pupils have been working hard on their John Muir Awards; an environmental award scheme that encourages everyone to connect with, enjoy and care for our wild places. The Award is made up of four challenges; Discover, Explore, Conserve and Share.

Pupils have focused on sharing their experiences of the wonder of nature in their English lessons over the Summer Term. Inspired by the beautiful book, ‘The Lost Words’ written and illustrated by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, they have created poetry and other written forms.

They have also responded to nature in a variety of ways outside of school. Bigger tasks have ranged from making elderflower cordial to tracking the development of a nest of tawny owls.

These activities feed into our Truro School Prep Eco Code:

Be gentle and kind to each other

Be gentle to all plants and animals

Save water – turn off taps

Save energy – switch off all lights

Save resources – recycle paper, cardboard, plastic and metal by putting them in the correct recycling bin.

It will also feed into the work being done to complete the Eco-School’s framework to allow us to apply for the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag.

Thanks to Mrs Luxton and all the staff who work so hard to deliver the John Muir Award within our Truro School Prep curriculum. Well done to all our pupils who are dedicated to this valuable scheme.

As one of our parents reflected, “The award has given value to their natural curiosity for nature. Outdoor education, which includes environmental awareness, is largely absent in schools, yet its benefit to our children’s development is well documented, in addition to being crucial to the future of our planet.”