
Date Posted... Oct 17th 2024




Language and Nature Inspire the Bigger Picture

Rita Mae Brown, the American Writer famously said, “Language is the road map of a culture”. This quote has inspired this half term’s Bigger Picture homework for our Year 6 pupils, who have been challenged to delve deeper into language and its relevancy in our lives, past, present and future.

For this topic, our pupils have considered questions including where does language come from (and where does it go)? How much of our language has been ‘borrowed’ from other countries and what influences changes in language? What can we learn about another culture from its language and is there an ‘easy’ language to learn?

Meanwhile, our Year 5 pupils have been challenged to consider nature in terms of how it has inspired and influenced us within our lives and the wider world.

Designed to challenge our oldest pupils, the Bigger Picture homework is set half-termly and provides pupils with an open-ended question for them to explore and feedback on; in any creative way they see fit.

As the work was displayed in the Assembly Hall this week and our Prep children gathered to view the submissions, it was truly inspiring to see the creativity and conversation that has flourished from our pupil cohort as they have responded to this task. Throughout the term, it was similarly remarkable to see the confidence and courage displayed as they shared their projects and presentations with their peers and teachers.

A huge well done to all of our amazing Bigger Picture Thinkers and thanks to Mr Dove for leading the initiative. We look forward to sharing more updates from future work.