
Date Posted... Jun 13th 2024




Learning on the Beach in Year 4

Year 4 pupils had a wonderful time on Perranporth Beach looking at coastal features as part of their humanities topic on coasts. Making good use of our enviable location near to some of the UK’s best beaches, our children put their learning to practical use, making models in the sand to explain how caves, arches and stacks are formed.

The RNLI then gave pupils an informative and interactive talk on beach safety, explaining hidden dangers such as rip currents and the different flags that we can use to help us navigate the beach safely this summer.

After a well-deserved lunch, the children were treated to a delicious ice cream by Olliver B’s family from Pavillion Ice. We would like to thank them, as well as the RNLI and our staff and pupils who made it a fun, educational and memorable day at the beach.