Date Posted... Feb 10th 2023
Evensong is a beautiful spiritual and cultural experience with its roots in the 1500s and language from the time of Shakespeare. Over the last few weeks, Chris Gray, Director of Music at Truro Cathedral, has been visiting our Year 3 and 4 classrooms to explain the traditions of Evensong and teach our pupils some of the music sung during the services.
Evensong is a religious service, although people of all faiths and none are warmly welcomed, which takes place in Truro Cathedral most days at 5.30pm, and has done since 1887. Last night the pupils had the opportunity to join the Cathedral Choir and perform this traditional service alongside the highly trained Choristers. They welcomed family and friends to join them in sharing this wonderful cultural, spiritual and musical experience.
A huge thank you to Truro Cathedral and the Cathedral Choir for sharing this experience with our pupils.