
Date Posted... Jun 20th 2024

Maypole Larks on the Terraces

Although May Day has come and gone, we have had a maypole up on the front lawn this afternoon as part of the junior play rehearsals. The art of maypole dancing takes a little practice, and we have been very lucky to have Lisa Mcnally from Cornwall Dance School on hand to help with the choreography.

This is all part of their preparations for the upcoming production of ‘Lark Rise to Candleford’. Under the direction of Mrs. Sanderson, this production, infused with a distinct Cornish flair, has been in development since the start of the term, showcasing the talents of our aspiring 1st-3rd Year pupils in the WAA drama group.

Who knows if maypole dancing skills will come in handy for these young performers in the future, but it is certainly another skill to add to their list.

Tickets for the performances, scheduled for July 3rd and 4th, can now be purchased from the Burrell Box Office.