
Date Posted... Sep 3rd 2024

Pupils Perform at Edinburgh Fringe

A group of Sixth Form students and 5th Year drama scholars, performing as Stargaze Theatre, participated in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August to showcase their performance of “Am I Nuts!” by Benjamin Symes. This marked the fifth time Stargaze Theatre has attended the festival, establishing a reputation for delivering outstanding work at the Fringe.

A four-star review and plenty of fabulous audience reviews are a testament to the hard work and talent of the company. Directed by Johanna Egar and penned by professional writer Benjamin Symes, Am I Nuts! is an ‘end-of-the-world’ comedy in which the main character endures countless attempts at therapy to combat his growing despair at the state of the planet, with ludicrous results. At the same time, a band of cave people are struggling to find meaning in their world, and are making discoveries of their own.

Stargaze is run as a professional theatre company, with a full-on three week rehearsal period in July, working with professional theatre practitioners. The students’ involvement in a professional theatre company setting provided them with valuable industry insights and inspiration.

For those interested in seeing the performance, “Am I Nuts!” will be staged at 6:30pm on Monday, 9 September in the Burrell Theatre.